Perpetuating the traditional art of Lauhala weaving.

Ka Ulu Lauhala O Kona was originally founded in 1995 by Master Lauhala Weaver Elizabeth Maluihi Lee.  Her mission was to perpetuate, preserve, and ensure the growth of the traditional art of Lauhala weaving. We endeavor to share Hala’s value and a kinship in the art of Lauhala weaving.

What We Do

Since 1995, Ka Ulu Lauhala O Kona brought together hundreds of weavers from local, national, and international communities in an annual lauhala weaving conference. Master weavers from around the State gathered in Kona to teach aspiring weavers the traditional cultural art of lauhala weaving.

We honor not only Aunty Elizabeth Maluihi Lee, but also the original founders, the Kumu that have gone before, and we endeavor to mālama the Kumu that are still here with us.

Ka Ulu Lauhala o Kona Executive Board:

PRESIDENT Shirley Kauhaihao

VICE PRESIDENT Cherie Okada-Carlson